10 Presentation Skills Top Executives Live By

"10 Presentation Skills Top Executives Live By"

In summary of Author Rob Sherman's article "10 Presentation Skills Top Executives Live By" has noted that effective presentation skills is not granted based on a professional title but is an acquired talent based on ones desire to learn to become an effective communicator.
Sherman's article defines ten presentation skills that top executives must have to develop a successful career. He believes that while many top executives run successful corporations, they are not reaching their full potential due to not being able to effectively communicate. Great leaders are brilliant speakers which is a skill that is acquired through learning.
Sherman's ten techniques to becoming a successful speaker are as follows:
1. Start with a bang
2. Speak in your natural style
3. Always "Work" The Room
4. Relax before you say your first word
5. Use an outline rather than read your speech
6. Use your own stories
7. Speak with passion
8. Make your ending as memorable as your beginning
9. Adequately prepare for each presentation
10. Recognize that speaking is an acquired skill

In conclusion, the author states that some of the best executives agree that there is a considerable amount of correlation between being a great speaker and their leadership influence. Although I agree however the author failed to show research to support his views, his knowledge is based on personal past experience.
Learning Takeaways
? Brilliant CEO's and leaders don't constitute brilliant speakers.
? Great speaking abilities can be learned with great practice and application.
? Having passion, participation and visual aids are key to a great presentation.
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