12 Stratiergies Of Apple

12 Effective Strategies Apple Uses to Create Loyal Customers
When shoppers sleep outside of stores just to be one of the first to buy an iPhone, it's obvious that Apple Inc. is a company that enjoys fanatical brand loyalty. However, this brand success is not a result of dumb luck or forces beyond Apple's control; it's part of a well-thought-out plan to deliver strong products and create an Apple culture.
A Store Just for Apple:
Apple has historically been troubled by big-box sales staffers that are "tragically ill-informed" about its products, a problem that made it difficult for Apple to set its very different products apart from the rest of the computing crowd. By creating a store strictly devoted to Apple products, the company has not only eliminated this problem but has made an excellent customer-loyalty move. Apple stores are a friendly place where Mac and PC users alike are encouraged to play with and explore the technology that the company offers. This is a space where Macheads can not only get service but also hang out with others who enjoy Apple products just as much as they do. By creating this space, Apple encourages current and new customers to get excited about what it has to offer.
Complete Solutions:
Apple's products complement and complete each other. Buy an iPod, and you can download music via iTunes. For the average user, most Mac programs are produced by Apple. This sort of control over the entire user process, from hardware to software, strengthens customer loyalty. Apple users generally don't have to stray to find products and solutions they want.
Are You a Mac?
Let's face it, Apple is a hip brand. It pushes a strong identification with everything young, up-to-the-minute and smart. Consider Apple's I'm a Mac campaign. ...
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