A Realistic View Of Vehicle Propulsion For 2030

Realistic view of vehicle propulsion for the year 2030
In the past we were completely reliant on oil as our major source of energy for vehicle propulsion. This source of energy is not very efficient as it has negative effects on our environment and it is not replenish able .Experts have predicted that sooner than later there will be a shortage of oil. What do we do when this becomes the situation? This question has led experts to carry out a lot of research on what alternative sources of energy should be. Today we have various alternative sources of energies like solar energy, wind, water etc.

Realistically how will we run our cars in the 22 years making use of these alternatives and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels?
Plug-in Hybrids will be most viable option to future vehicle propulsion. It will reduce greenhouse gases emissions. Different car manufacturers are currently finding ways to reduce the price of the battery to make it much more cost efficient for the future. Charging the batteries during off peak hours means that the grid will not have to be expanded.

A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is a hybrid vehicle with batteries that can be recharged by connecting a plug to an electrical power source.
Plug-in hybrids have characteristics of both conventional hybrid electric vehicles and of battery electric vehicles. PHEVs can also be commercial passenger vans, utility trucks, school buses, scooters, and military vehicles. PHEVs are sometimes called grid-connected hybrids, gas-optional hybrids or GO-HEVs

The plug-in hybrid offers the best of both worlds. Plug-in hybrids take electric vehicles to the next level since they are designed to rely predominantly on the electric motor for propulsion, wi ...
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