Business Regulation Simulation

Running head: Business Regulation Simulation

Business Regulation Simulation
Jean Marie
University of Phoenix
Business Regulation Simulation

Many firms have growth opportunities to invest in profitable projects. (Ross, Westerfield, & Jaffe, 2005). The new millennium brought in fierce competition, aggressive marketing and strategic alliances; the extent to which a business succeeds or fails often depends upon that business's ability to be in n sync with states, federal, governmental and environmental regulations. This paper will identify the key facts, regulations and legal issues in Alumina’ company; the conflicts among the competing stakeholders will be discuss, the handling of the regulatory issue by the internal counsel will be analyze and alternative solutions will be discussed by using the risk analysis matrix as metric system. These solutions must be align with Alumina’s values in order to be efficient and affective.

Alumina Inc. is a $4 billion aluminum maker, based in the United States and operates in eight countries around the world. The United States market constitutes of 70% of its sales. The company manufactures, packaging materials, automotive components, aluminum refining, bauxite mining and aluminum smelting. Five years ago, Alumina was in violation of environmental discharge norms in a routine EPA compliance evaluation. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established to administer federal laws that concern pollution of the air and water, solid waste and toxic substance disposal, pesticide regulation, and radiation. (Reed, Morehead, S ...
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