
Today the share of promotions in the marketing budget of a typical consumer products' company is continually on the rise. They may be preferred because good promotional exercises provide the facility to carry out controlled activity on a focused target group and unlike mass media advertising, it directly addresses and involves the consumer.

There are other reasons that abet their popularity, they are: -
? Consumer promotions produce results
? The results occur quickly
? The results are measurable
? Consumer promotions are relatively easy and in expensive to implement
Different marketing activities affect various aspects of consumer buying process. Consumer promotions generally hit directly at the decision and purchasing stages of the buying process. Thus, they affect behaviour directly producing immediate results. Consumer promotions can thus be defined as "Marketing and communication activities that change the price / value relationships of a product or service, thereby generating immediate sales and altering long term brand value". Various types of consumer promotions are coupons, contests, sampling, cross promotions, bonus back, freebies, etc.
Brand managers have, thus, a plethora of choices when opting for a consumer promotion. How they actually go about choosing it is critical in determining the extent of success the promotion would achieve. To design an effective promotion, the brand manager must understand what is it that puts that gleam in the consumer's eye without distorting its brand equity.

Promotions must be synergistically linked to the brand attitude. Promotions or below-the-line-marketing is spreading like craze.
Though there is a considerable change in the presentation and approach. Co ...
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